Clare @Millie Makeup Whimsical Wonderland WeddingsA fabulous blog to find out wonderful ideas from lots of individual suppliers and different themed weddings. https://whimsicalwonderlandw...
Clare @Millie Makeup Real Wedding Feature in Your Surrey wedding magazineReal life wedding featured in Your Surrey magazine located at the beautiful Great Fosters Hotel
Clare @Millie Makeup Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wedding MagazineI was delighted to be asked to contribute to Berks, Bucks and Oxon magazine for their piece on two recent celebrity weddings and the...
Clare @Millie Makeup Wedding Morning Wins - a guide to a memorable morningFind out the must do's for your wedding morning - from meditation to mimosas and makeup.
Clare @Millie Makeup Pre wedding skin prep that works for everyone Skincare doesn't have to be complicated or widly expensive. Yes, there are some products that are bougie and gorgeous and that's fine, it...